“In God We Trust”

is printed on our money and hopefully embedded in our hearts. We give of our time, talent, and treasure as an act of gratitude for God’s infinite merciful love. Be intentional about giving back to The Giver.

Parish Donation Options:

  • Contribution envelopes are mailed to registered parishioners. Church envelope check/cash contributions can be dropped in the basket at church or mailed: OLV Church, 215 Bishop Rd., Cleveland MS 38732. We also have a secure drop-box slot outside the office entrance (behind mailbox). In order to register go to our Contact page.

  • Monthly automated draft from your bank account Let us know if you want to set this up (requires a voided check). There is no added processing cost for you or the parish and this option enables consistent giving when parishioners are out of town.

  • We also have an online giving option - click below. This can be used for the regular collection or for other funds. You can make a one-time or recurring gift, and also have the option of setting up an account with payment method. You do not need to contact our office to initiate this & can change/stop your giving at any time. (There is a small processing cost; you can choose to pay this or let us pay.)

  • Tenemos una nueva opción para hacer su contribución en línea - haga clic en el botón de arriba. Si desea recibir sobres de contribución, por favor regístrese en la parroquia - imprimiendo y completando este formulario.

    THANK YOU for your generosity!