What if there was an way to delay or hasten the birth of children without resorting to hormones, chemicals, or artificial interference? There is such a way. The Church has always promoted this approach - just as effective as the "pill" when used correctly. NFP brings couples closer together in a partnership with each other and the Lord, enhancing their communication, as they decide how to cooperate with God's great gift of bringing new life into the world. Even in these times when religion seems less important, more young people, no matter their beliefs, are becoming interested in this effective and organic approach. We demand that our foods be as natural as possible, so why why would we unnecessarily submit ourselves or our loved ones to methods that have troubling side effects?
Our Lady of Victories is blessed to have a trained NFP instructor, nurse practitioner Valerie Antici, FNP, 601-597-6560, valyyne@gmail.com. For no cost, our parish offers Valerie's expertise to teach couples about NFP and offer them individualized followup. Even if you are simply curious, give her a call.
Below are LINKS to websites and articles, from both church and secular perspectives, about the benefits of NFP and the reasons it is the only method for family planning that accords with our Catholic faith.